‘Wall of shame’ built to block crack users sparks fury in Paris suburb
Paris authorities have bricked up a tunnel that connects Paris and the northeastern suburb of Pantin in the département of Seine-Saint-Denis, after m ...
'The capital of crack' - Why can't Paris deal with its drug problem?
For 30 years, crack has been the bane of this part of the capital, near Place Stalingrad, in the less glamorous northeast of the city. Since last yea ...
Daniel Vaillant pense à une «salle de crack»
Daniel Vaillant (PS), a suggéré de réfléchir à la création d’une salle de consommation de crack, une fois que la «salle de shoot» de la gare du Nord ...
Drug users to have secure site in Paris
Drug users in France will soon have a state-sanctioned place where they can use heroin, crack and other intravenous drugs, after the government appro ...
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10-year Review 1998 UNGASS 2005 CND debate 2016 UNGASS 2019 HLM activism afghanistan africa albania alternative development alternatives to policing amnesty amphetamine amsterdam appellation of origin argentina asean ATS australia austria ayahuasca bahamas ballot 2012 banking barbados belgium belize bermuda bhang bolivia brazil brownfield doctrine burma caa california cambodia canada cannabinoids cannabis cannabis clubs cannabis industry caribbean caricom cbd oil central america chile china civil society CND coca cocaine coffee shop cognitive decline colombia colorado compulsary detention conflict conventions corporate capture corruption costa rica crack craft cannabis crime czech republic dark net death penalty decertification decriminalization deforestation denmark drug checking drug consumption rooms drug courts drug markets drug policy index drug testing drug tourism drug trade e-cigarettes e-joint ecstasy ecuador egypt el salvador environment eradication essential medicines estonia eswatini ethiopia european drug policy expert advisory group extrajudicial killings fair trade fentanyl france fumigation gateway theory georgia germany ghana global commission greece guatemala guatemala initiative harm reduction hemp heroin heroin assisted treatment HIV/AIDS home cultivation honduras human rights ICC illinois incarceration INCB india indigenous rights indonesia informal drug policy dialogues inter se modification iran ireland israel italy jamaica japan kava kazakhstan kenya ketamine khat kratom kyrgyzstan laos latin american debate law enforcement lebanon legal highs legalization lesotho local customization luxembourg malawi malaysia malta medical cannabis mental health methamphetamine mexico Mid-Term Review mild stimulants money laundering morocco naloxone negotiations nepal netherlands new york new zealand NIDA nigeria nitrous oxide norway NPS opinion polls opioids opium oregon overdose kits pakistan panama paraguay pardon patents peace peru peyote philippines pilot project pleasure poland police pacification portugal potency precursors prevention prison situation prohibition proportionality psychedelics psychosis puerto rico racism reclassification recriminalisation regulation russia sacramental use safe supply safer crack scheduling scientific research sdg security senegal sentencing singapore social justice somalia south africa spain st lucia st vincent and grenadines substance-use disorder substitution treatment sweden switzerland synthetic cannabinoids taxation teen use thailand thresholds tobacco industry traditional growers tramadol treatment trinidad & tobago tunisia UK UN Common Position UN drug control UNGASS UNODC uruguay US drug policy vaping venezuela vietnam violence WHO world drug report yemen