Items tagged with UK and drug consumption rooms

Item title Description
Drug deaths are rising and overdose prevention centres save lives, so why is the UK unwilling to introduce them? [19.12.2022] In late 2020, a converted van appeared in central Glasgow. Inside were clean needles, sterilising equipment, mirrors, “sharps bins” for the disposal ...
Scotland's drug deaths: Consumption room pilot on track despite warning over legal barriers [02.02.2022] The new chair of the SNP’s drug deaths taskforce is confident legal barriers to setting up drug consumption rooms can be overcome as he insisted the ...
Overdose prevention centres will save lives, say UK senior doctors [12.12.2021] Drug addicts should be allowed to use illicit substances in “supervised injecting facilities” with medical staff on hand to ensure no one dies, healt ...
The forgotten history of European drug-dealer activism [30.04.2021] Today, the contributions of drug suppliers towards harm reduction efforts remain mostly neglected by history, although some within the grassroots end ...
Calls backed for European-style shooting galleries where addicts can take their own heroin [16.03.2021] European-style drug rooms where users can take illicit substances have been backed by a Teesside panel. Councillors have spent more than a year exami ...
PHE accused of toning down positive report on drug centres [05.03.2021] Public Health England has been accused of watering down a briefing on the life-saving merits of overdose prevention centres (OPCs) after a paper was ...
How a man with a van is challenging UK drug policy [21.11.2020] Every Friday for the past two months, Peter Krykant has parked his white van on Parnie Street in central Glasgow and waited for people to come by and ...
Crime commissioner says its "ludicrous" to chase drug addicts who need help [06.11.2020] The man running the UK’s most progressive drug diversion scheme believes it’s “totally ludicrous” for officers to seek to arrest drug users at a mobi ...
Mobile ‘fix room’ begins operating in Glasgow [02.09.2020] A drug consumption van where addicts can inject heroin has been launched in Glasgow - despite warnings it could be breaking the law. Peter Krykant, a ...
First major study by Glasgow experts finds Scottish public support drug consumption rooms [30.07.2020] Research from a Glasgow university has revealed that the majority of Scots back the introduction of drug consumption rooms (DCRs) – with academics in ...
A shortage of illicit drugs is imminent due to the coronavirus lockdown [24.03.2020] We’ve already witnessed the havoc of coronavirus as panic-buying compromises supply and distribution of food and some medicines. The illicit drug mar ...
What can be done about Scotland's drugs crisis? [26.02.2020] Scotland has the highest rate of drug-related deaths in Europe and the numbers are continuing to rise at an alarming speed. Both the Scottish governm ...
Deputy Mayor wants pilot for safe consumption room in new drug strategy [27.01.2020] In Bristol, there were 49 drug related deaths in 2017/18 – the highest ever recorded. There are almost 5,000 heroin and crack users in the city and, ...
Medical grade heroin drug treatment centre to open in Glasgow [26.11.2019] A new service providing medical grade heroin to the most problematic drug users in Glasgow is ready to open. The Enhanced Drug Treatment Service will ...
SNP formally backs decriminalisation of drugs [13.10.2019] The SNP has backed decriminalising the possession and consumption of drugs. At its conference in Aberdeen, a resolution was unanimously passed by del ...
When harm reduction expansion stifles activism: A lesson from Europe [23.07.2019] Western European harm reduction presents an interesting paradox. On the one hand, the widespread availability of effective harm reduction programs is ...
Drugs expert barred from policy panel after criticising Home Office [11.06.2019] A government minister vetoed the appointment of an expert to a public body after vetting found she had criticised the Home Office and called for drug ...
Drug consumption rooms 'should be considered' in NI [07.03.2019] Consideration should be given to providing rooms where people can safely inject themselves with illegal drugs, NI's chief medical officer Dr Michael ...
A safe fix for Bristol’s drug users and the city [25.01.2019] Unlike in Bristol, in 66 cities around the world, drug users don’t have to take their drugs in public or down an alleyway. Instead they do it in a cl ...
How 'fixing rooms' are saving the lives of drug addicts [21.11.2018] All over Europe, every day, many thousands of people will inject heroin in drug consumption rooms. But none of these will be in the UK, where drug ad ...
Police commissioners urge Home Office to drop opposition to addicts’ ‘fix rooms’ [02.07.2018] There are renewed calls for the UK government to allow the opening of a drug consumption room in Glasgow after three police and crime commissioners b ...
Plans for heroin to be prescribed to addicts in West Midlands [12.02.2018] Doctors in the West Midlands could soon be prescribing heroin for addicts, who would be invited to inject themselves with clean syringes in drug cons ...
Are UK drug consumption rooms likely? [12.10.2017] What does the Home Office really think about drug consumption rooms - safe and supervised places where addicts can inject or inhale illicit substance ...
We already know how to stop people dying from drugs – but the Government refuses to do it [02.08.2017] Last year saw the highest number of drug-related deaths since records began in 1993. More than half of these deaths involved an opiate, such as heroi ...
Drug consumption rooms ruled out by government [26.07.2017] The UK government has dismissed a call from its own advisory body to consider introducing drug consumption rooms. The Advisory Council on the Misuse ...
Durham police will give addicts heroin to inject in 'shooting galleries' [05.03.2017] Heroin addicts will be given supplies to inject in specially designated “shooting galleries” under radical plans to tackle drug-related crime in Durh ...
Why addicts take drugs in 'fix rooms' [09.01.2017] Britain could soon see its first "fix room" for drug users - a safe space where addicts can take illegal narcotics under medical supervision. But who ...
Make heroin available on prescription, official UK drug advisers say [11.12.2016] Heroin on prescription and supervised injecting rooms are among a range of measures that the government’s drug advisers have suggested to reverse the ...
Plans for UK's first drug injecting centre in Glasgow [29.06.2016] Plans are being drawn up for the UK's first drug injecting facility in Glasgow city centre to tackle rising HIV cases and risk to the public from dis ...
Drug rooms: Admirers eye Copenhagen model [29.10.2013] As a senior police official in northern England calls for safe rooms for the injection of hard drugs, attention has focused on similar projects aroun ...
Inside Denmark's 'fixing rooms', where nurses watch as addicts inject in safety [04.05.2013] Since the launch of the room, the quantity of drug paraphernalia collected from gutters, playgrounds, stairwells and doorways in the area has halved. ...
Brighton plans safe rooms for addicts to inject drugs [13.04.2013] Brighton is set to be the first British city to offer official "drug consumption rooms" where addicts can use heroin, crack and cocaine under supervi ...