Items tagged with cannabis
Item title | Description |
Shortages, high prices expected for state’s first pot stores [28.06.2014] | The Liquor Control Board has been warning of shortages when the first stores open in Washington state. The board plans to issue the first 15 to 20 re ... |
A half-smoked joint [27.06.2014] | Decriminalisation is only half the answer. As long as supplying drugs remains illegal, the business will remain a criminal monopoly. Jamaica’s gangst ... |
A puff of logic [27.06.2014] | That cannabis and schizophrenia are linked is widely accepted. Several studies suggest the drug can set off short-term psychotic episodes in those al ... |
Reimagining Drug Policy in the Americas [27.06.2014] | Latin America is now at the vanguard of international efforts to promote drug policy reform: Bolivia has rewritten its constitution to recognize the ... |
Labour senators won't cooperate with tough line on marijuana [27.06.2014] | Labour senators are refusing to cooperate with the Dutch government's tough line on marijuana and want to sanction regulated production trials. Senat ... |
Débat sur le kif: le coup de gueule des cultivateurs [26.06.2014] | Avec les élections municipales qui approchent (2015), le débat sur le kif s'en trouve plus "sexy" que jamais. Un collectif de familles de cultivateur ... |
Légalisation du cannabis: un projet de loi et des critiques [26.06.2014] | Si le Collectif marocain pour l'usage médical et industriel du kif (CMUMIK) voit d'un bon oeil la proposition de loi du parti de l'Istiqlal sur la lé ... |
Pourquoi la légalisation du cannabis bloque [25.06.2014] | Deux projets de loi légalisant la culture du cannabis ont été déposés par le PAM et l’Istiqlal. Depuis, ces deux partis se sont montrés étrangement s ... |
CARICOM did not consult us on ganja law reform - US [25.06.2014] | William Brownfield, assistant secretary at the US Bureau of International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs, has charged that Jamaica and other C ... |
FDA to evaluate marijuana for potential reclassification as less dangerous drug [23.06.2014] | The US Food and Drug Administration is reviewing the medical evidence surrounding the safety and effectiveness of marijuana, a process that could lea ... |
Dope to your door [20.06.2014] | Evan Cox used to deliver pizza. But 18 months ago, as he was running out of money at college in Seattle, he had a new business idea. The state of Was ... |
Genève devrait tester le marché régulé et taxé du cannabis [19.06.2014] | Le groupe interpartis, qui planche sur la régularisation du marché du cannabis à Genève, vient de publier son deuxième rapport. Il dit avoir bien ent ... |
Albania cracks down on marijuana production in key southern village [18.06.2014] | With the fruits of its labor turning up in Italy, Greece and, last year, Germany, Albania has come under increasing pressure from the European Union ... |
Councils can ban tourists from coffee shops, Council of State rules [17.06.2014] | Local councils in the Netherlands do have the power to ban people who do not live in their area from visiting cannabis cafes, the Council of State ru ... |
Légalisation du kif : Des associations rifaines mènent la fronde contre les projets du PAM et l’Istiqlal [17.06.2014] | Il n’y a pas que les islamistes du PJD qui s’opposent aux propositions de loi du PAM et de l’Istiqlal visant la légalisation de la culture du kif. Le ... |
Jamaica anticipates a marijuana rush as decriminalisation looms – but is it too late? [15.06.2014] | Possession of a mere handful of marijuana has for decades clogged Jamaican courts with petty cases and distracted an undermanned police force from ta ... |
Ganja laws: The Government's case for reform [14.06.2014] | On June 2, Cabinet approved certain changes to the law relating to ganja. These relate to the possession of small quantities for personal use, the sm ... |
Scheduling in the international drug control system [13.06.2014] | While often viewed as an obscure technical issue, the problem of scheduling lies at the core of the functioning of the international drug control sys ... |
Jamaica set to decriminalise marijuana for personal use [12.06.2014] | In Jamaica, plans are in the making for the decriminalisation of possession of small amounts of marijuana. "Cabinet approved certain changes to the l ... |
How neuroscience reinforces racist drug policy [12.06.2014] | A recent neuroscience study from Harvard Medical School claims to have discovered brain differences between people who smoke marijuana and people who ... |
Cabinet approves proposal to decriminalise small amounts of ganja [12.06.2014] | The Jamaican government has approved proposed amendments to the law that will decriminalise the possession of small amounts of ganja. Justice Ministe ... |
First cannabis club shut down in Catalonia for drug trafficking [10.06.2014] | Growing numbers of visitors are purchasing a few grams of marijuana while on holiday in Barcelona, a city that is already being described as the "Hol ... |
Mexican president hints may be open to change in marijuana laws [07.06.2014] | Mexico and the United States cannot pursue diverging policies on marijuana legalization, Mexican President Enrique Pena Nieto was quoted as saying, h ... |
Bekaa farmers push against eradicating marijuana growth in Lebanon [02.06.2014] | The growth of cannabis is gradually increasing in the fields in the Bekaa valley. This is mainly due to policies adopted by successive governments th ... |
High times: The next five states to tackle pot laws [02.06.2014] | Weed is legal in at least some form in 22 states and the District of Columbia. Most allow it for medical use only. Colorado and Washington this year ... |
How dangerous synthetic cannabis became Britain's most popular new legal high [31.05.2014] | The influx of legal, synthetic forms of cannabis that can be more potent and dangerous than the natural, illegal drug exposes Britain's "utterly ridi ... |
Limburg marijuana growers turn over €240m a year: local paper [30.05.2014] | Despite efforts to clamp down on marijuana plantations, growers in the southern province of Limburg turn over some €240m a year, according to calcula ... |
Cannabis legalization: the seed of a good idea or a pipedream? [29.05.2014] | According to Jalal Mahfouz, head of the Planning and Development Center in Hermel (Lebanon), any move to legalize the illegal industry, which is beli ... |
'Thousands of inmates' can soon be released under drug law [28.05.2014] | A new decree that overhauls Italy's drugs laws paves the way for releasing "thousands of convicted smalltime drug dealers from prison". The move foll ... |
Going to pot: legalised cannabis edges nearer in west after US states end ban [22.05.2014] | Legalisation of cannabis is making slow but unstoppable progress across much of the developed world, many experts believe, following the end of prohi ... |
Rome mayor backs decriminalizing cannabis [21.05.2014] | Rome Mayor Ignazio Marino said he was in favour of decriminalizing cannabis, calling for a national and international reform on drug laws in order to ... |
Cannabis regulation: high time for change? [20.05.2014] | Cannabis is the world’s most widely used illicit drug. But for how much longer? In a short space of time we have moved from absolute global prohibiti ... |
Why reports of Uruguay's 'tax free' marijuana are misleading [19.05.2014] | A new report stating that Uruguay will not tax the sale or production of marijuana has received widespread attention, yet the depiction of the legali ... |
Internationaal recht en cannabis [14.05.2014] | Voor het rondetafelgesprek over het rapport: ‘Internationaal recht en cannabis’ op 15 mei 2014 voor de Vaste Commissie voor Veiligheid en Justitie in ... |
L'émergence d'un cannabis made in France [12.05.2014] | Les consommateurs du cannabis en France préférant de plus en plus l'herbe, facile à cultiver en France, à la résine marocaine, le marché s'adapte, re ... |
Colorado lawmakers approve plan for pot banking [07.05.2014] | Frustrated by the cash-heavy aspect of its new marijuana industry, Colorado is trying a long-shot bid to create the world's first financial system de ... |
Uruguay unveils marijuana regulation details [02.05.2014] | The Uruguayan government has unveiled long-awaited regulations for its recreational marijuana market — a move that steers the tiny nation of 3.3 mill ... |
Ortsbeiräte fordern legale Verkaufsstellen [29.04.2014] | Vor zehn Jahren startete in Frankfurt der Modellversuch, Heroin an schwerkranke Junkies abzugeben. Nun diskutieren Stadtparlamentarier über die Verte ... |
Le Rif reste accro au kif [28.04.2014] | Toutes les tentatives de l’Etat marocain pour interdire la culture du cannabis ont échoué. Un rapport de l’Office des Nations unies contre la drogue ... |
Uruguay to allow pot users to buy up to 20 joints a week [23.04.2014] | Uruguayans will be able buy up to 10 grams of pot a week, enough to roll 20 joints, under new rules governing the recently legalized marijuana trade ... |
Ketama, carrefour des drogues [22.04.2014] | Quelques centaines de cultivateurs de kif ont répondu à l’appel lancé par le Parti authenticité et modernité (PAM), sur le point de finaliser un proj ... |
Uruguay not a ‘pirate’ [17.04.2014] | The Uruguayan government has made a controversial move to regulate the production and sale of cannabis, believing that this will help in the fight ag ... |
No, weed won’t rot your brain [17.04.2014] | Headlines are screaming Marijuana Makes Young Brains Go to Pot. But a new study, published in the Journal of Neuroscience, does not in any way prove ... |
Eric Holder 'cautiously optimistic' about marijuana legalization in Washington and Colorado [14.04.2014] | Attorney General Eric Holder is "cautiously optimistic" about how things are going in Washington state and Colorado following the legalization and st ... |
Study: Marijuana legalization doesn’t increase crime [14.04.2014] | After Colorado legalized marijuana for recreational use this year, violent and property crime rates in the city are actually falling. According to da ... |
Marijuana legalization: Does Congress need to act? [11.04.2014] | Despite a federal prohibition on marijuana possession, sale, and use, Colorado and Washington recently became the first states to enact laws legalizi ... |
Law professors demand cannabis legalization [09.04.2014] | Around 3 million Germans regularly smoke marijuana. Some 14 million are estimated to have tried the drug at least once. It's not punishable by law in ... |
Drogenexperten machen Dampf für straffreies Kiffen [08.04.2014] | Experten haben die Debatte um die Legalisierung von Cannabis neu lanciert. «Die repressive Drogenpolitik ist gescheitert», erklärte Thilo Beck, Mita ... |
Cannabis: Le PAM veut amnistier 48.000 cultivateurs recherchés [07.04.2014] | Le Parti Authenticité et modernité (PAM) travaille sur un projet de loi prévoyant une amnistie pour les 48.000 cultivateurs de cannabis du nord du Ma ... |
Streit um neue Regeln für den Drogenmarkt [07.04.2014] | Nach Jahren des Stillstands ist die Drogenpolitik wieder in Bewegung. Städte wie Genf, Basel oder Zürich bemühen sich um Projekte für eine regulierte ... |
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