• Police minister backs eased enforcement against cannabis users

    Responding to petition seeking annulment of laws barring recreational use and possession, Amir Ohana says he’ll seek to ‘minimize harm’ to offenders
    The Times of Israel (Israel)
    Wednesday, June 3, 2020

    Public Security Minister Amir Ohana signaled support for easing enforcement of laws against marijuana use. Ohana, whose ministry oversees the police, was responding to a High Court of Justice petition urging the court to annul the criminalizing of recreational marijuana use and possession. “The stance of the incoming public security minister is… to minimize harm as much as possible to [otherwise] law-abiding citizens who have offenses linked to the drug,” the ministry’s response said. It also said Ohana intended to appoint a team to weigh a more lenient policy toward recreational marijuana use.

  • Switzerland green lights recreational marijuana trial

    Cannabis should come from Swiss organic farming in order to benefit Swiss farmers
    The Local (Switzerland)
    Wednesday, June 3, 2020

    swiss cow cannabisSwitzerland’s National Council has approved a plan to start cannabis trials for recreational use. If it is to be legalised however, the government says it must be organic and grown locally. The study, which was approved by the National Council on Tuesday, hopes to find out more about the effects that a controlled legalisation of the drug would have in Switzerland. The decision to embark upon the trial was to be made in March but was delated due to the coronavirus pandemic. The experiments are to be carried out in Switzerland’s larger cities. Basel, Bern, Biel, Geneva and Zurich have all expressed interest in conducting the trials. (See also: Le National favorable aux tests de distribution de cannabis bio)

  • Cannabis companies are finding it tougher than ever to navigate the market

    The industry is now in a situation where tens of companies are fighting for a much smaller pie than forecasted
    Financial Post (Canada)
    Tuesday, June 2, 2020

    Some of the biggest cannabis players when legalization took effect 20 months ago have successfully held on to their dominant positions, despite a year of bankruptcies, downsizings, revoked licences, executive firings, mass layoffs and a long market selloff. Licensed producers such as Aphria Inc. and Aurora Cannabis Inc., have increased their market share during the past few quarters due partly to strong sales of dried flower and cannabis 2.0 products such as edibles and vape pens, while Canopy Growth Corp.’s share has substantially eroded from its peak 18 months ago. Just a handful of companies or so hold more than 95 per cent of the legal Canadian market, according to company filings, interviews with cannabis analysts and data from cannabis intelligence firm Headset. 

  • The controversial new deployment of US troops in Colombia

    These troops will provide support in areas across Colombia high in coca production and drug trafficking
    InSight Crime
    Tuesday, June 2, 2020

    US Army ArrivalThe decision to send US troops into Colombia to help against drug trafficking is a troubling one, whether as part of the two countries’ security strategy or connected to broader efforts against Venezuela. On May 28, the US Southern Command (SOUTHCOM) issued a statement that its 1st Security Force Assistance Brigade (SFAB) would support “enhanced counter-narcotics cooperation” in Colombia with no limit set on its deployment. The head of Colombia’s armed forces, Gen. Luis Fernando Navarro, later added some details about the anti-drug mission. According to El Tiempo, he stated the SFAB troops would be in Colombia for four months, providing “tactical” advice to “improve operations against drug trafficking.”

  • Former PM, police investigator, among Kiwis backing cannabis legalisation campaign

    Cannabis could soon be legalised in New Zealand, and it's up to voters
    Stuff (New Zealand)
    Tuesday, June 2, 2020

    nz cannabis referendumThe New Zealand Drug Foundation's "Our Own Terms" campaign features Tim McKinnel, alongside former Prime Minister Helen Clark, psychiatrist Hinemoa Elder and educator Richie Hardcore, among others, encouraging the country to vote Yes in the upcoming cannabis referendum. "The system as it is now is a free-for-all, it's unregulated and uncontrolled and forces people to dip their toes into the black market," said McKinnel, who spent several years on the police drug squad. "Police spend a great deal of time and money fighting cannabis, with helicopter recovery operations, or with uncovering underground growing operations. It's a drain not only on policy but on our courts and prisons."

  • Cannabis cultivation in Albania expected to increase

    Despite raids, Albania continues to hold a bad reputation as Europe's cannabis hub
    Tirana Times (Albania)
    Monday, June 1, 2020

    albania cannabis flagAlbania is expected to see an increase of cannabis production in the wake of the coronavirus. According to a report compiled by Europol, the cultivation of herbal cannabis is expected to increase as law enforcement resources are diverted to enforce compliance with COVID-19 restriction measures. The report points out that certain trafficking routes from the Western Balkans are still in use, based on recent large seizures of herbal cannabis in Montenegro, North Macedonia and Serbia. In addition, in early May, a one metric tonne seizure of herbal cannabis was reported near the Albanian-Greek border. (See also: Cop among 37 arrested in Albania-Italy drugs op)

  • Cannabis: high potency strains linked to greater chance of anxiety – new research

    Despite it’s popularity, there’s still a lot that researchers don’t know about how cannabis, including how it affects our mental health
    The Conversation (UK)
    Saturday, May 30, 2020

    cannabis budNumerous studies have now shown that people who use cannabis have a higher likelihood of experiencing mental health problems. The potency of the drug – and how often it’s used – are likely to play a role in this relationship. Different types of cannabis have different levels of a component called tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). “High potency” cannabis has higher amounts of THC. Our recent study compared people who said they used high potency cannabis with those using lower potency cannabis. We found that the people who used high potency cannabis were more than four times as likely to report symptoms of cannabis misuse, and almost twice as likely to report anxiety disorder. (See also: Can we make cannabis safer?)

  • Peru’s war on drugs is an abject failure – here’s what it can learn from Bolivia

    Coca production has not shrunk overall, merely shifting its location, often through extensive replanting, which aggravates deforestation
    The Conversation (UK)
    Saturday, May 30, 2020

    When Peruvian government forces began eradicating coca leaf, the raw material for cocaine, without warning in a remote corner of Peru’s principal coca growing region last November, they were met by growers armed with sticks and rocks. The security forces backing the eradication brigades responded by firing bullets and tear gas, seriously wounding five farmers. For 40 years, policies in Peru have prioritised forced eradication of coca leaf under intense pressure from the US government. Weak economies, farmers turned into outlaws, and human rights violations are the result of this militarised crop and drug control strategy.

  • Ancient people in the Kingdom of Judah may have gotten high off weed

    The Hebrew Bible doesn't appear to mention cannabis use, and that there isn't any known archaeobotanical evidence for the plant at the shrine
    Live Science (US)
    Friday, May 29, 2020

    More than 2,700 years ago, worshipers at a "holy of holies" shrine in Israel may have gotten high on weed. Researchers discovered burnt cannabis and frankincense at the site, which was located in the Kingdom of Judah. Researchers made the discovery after analyzing ancient residues left on two altars at the shrine. The burnt cannabis is "the first known evidence of [a] hallucinogenic substance found in the Kingdom of Judah," a region that now includes parts of the West Bank and central Israel, the researchers wrote in the study. The cannabis finding indicates that people may have purposefully used the plant for its "hallucinogenic ingredients," to stimulate ecstasy during cultic ceremonies.

  • UN body preparing for December vote on WHO cannabis recommendations despite coronavirus

    The focus of the meetings should be the “exchange of views among member states’ experts”
    Marijuana Business Daily (US)
    Thursday, May 28, 2020

    A document prepared by the chair of the United Nations Commission on Narcotic Drugs (CND) has laid out a course to keep on track for December’s key vote on the World Health Organization’s cannabis scheduling recommendations. This is positive news for industry stakeholders concerned about a possible delay stemming from the coronavirus crisis. While the likely outcome of the vote is not yet known, it could have far-reaching implications for the global cannabis industry. One recommendation, for instance, would recognize the medical value and a lesser potential for harm of cannabis at a U.N. level – making it easier for member countries to adopt medical cannabis programs.

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