Items tagged with human rights

Item title Description
The Human Rights Costs of the War on Drugs [28.02.2012] The Hungarian Civil Liberties Union (HCLU), together with Transform Drug Policy Foundation, were among the NGOs launching the Count the Costs campaig ...
Annual report of the International Narcotics Control Board: Corruption, human rights and OST [03.03.2011] The International Narcotics Control Board yesterday presented its annual report for 2010. Every year the Board selects a thematic issue of focus, ded ...
Human Rights and Drug Policy [30.11.2010] In many countries around the world, drug control efforts result in serious human rights abuses: torture and ill treatment by police, mass incarcerati ...
Police occupation hurts improved relations with favelas [30.11.2010] Reports of human rights abuses committed during the police and military occupation of several favelas in this Brazilian city are jeopardising local r ...
The Prague Declaration - 7 Principles for Urban Drug Policies [10.11.2010] The Prague Declaration is a statement of representatives of municipal governments, decision makers responsible for local and municipal drug policies, ...
Thematic Briefings on Human Rights and Drug Policy [28.10.2010] In many countries around the world, drug control efforts result in serious human rights abuses: torture and ill treatment by police, mass incarcerati ...
Todos Somos Juarez? [19.10.2010] On October 12, 2010, Mexican president Felipe Calderon traveled to Ciudad Juarez to attend a meeting evaluating the “Todos Somos Juarez” program whic ...
Abused and Afraid in Ciudad Juarez [06.10.2010] Residents in Ciudad Juarez, Mexico, are caught between the drug-related violence and the human rights violations committed by the security forces. Th ...
WOLA and Prodh Publish Report of Human Rights Violations in Ciudad Juarez [05.10.2010] Residents in Ciudad Juarez, Mexico, are caught between the drug-related violence and the human rights violations committed by the security forces, co ...
Right of everyone to the enjoyment of the highest attainable standard of physical and mental health [06.08.2010] The current international system of drug control has focused on creating a drug-free world, almost exclusively through use of law enforcement policie ...
Do we really want a Russian UN Drug Czar? [09.07.2010] According to the Transform blog, it has been confirmed that the Russian diplomat Yuri V. Fedotov has been appointed as the new Executive Director of ...
A Russian Drug Czar for the world? [06.07.2010] A top Russian diplomat, Yuri V. Fedotov, has emerged as the front-runner in the race to become the Executive Director of the UN Office on Drugs and C ...
The Vienna Declaration [29.06.2010] The Vienna Declaration is a statement seeking to improve community health and safety by calling for the incorporation of scientific evidence into ill ...
New UN drugs tsar must be a leader on human rights [24.06.2010] Recently, the UNODC has begun to take notice of the impact of its counternarcotics work on human rights. Antonio Maria Costa, the current executive d ...
Saturation policing criminalises poverty, activists say [02.06.2010] The policy of a saturation police presence in the favelas or shantytowns that are home to around 20 percent of the population of Rio de Jnaeiro is mer ...
IDPC Drug Policy Guide [01.03.2010] This is the second edition of the IDPC Drug Policy Guide aimed at national government policy makers. This publication is a collaborative effort by a ...
The United Nations and Drug Policy [15.08.2009] In 1945, the United Nations was established to 'save succeeding generations from the scourge of war.' Today, the language of war has been adopted for ...
Drug policy reform in practice [14.08.2009] The academic journal Nueva Sociedad recently released an issue to promote the debate in Latin America on drug policy reform. TNI contributed with the ...
Drug Policy Reform in Practice [01.07.2009] The academic journal Nueva Sociedad recently released an issue to promote the debate in Latin America on drug policy reform. TNI contributed with the ...
Call to Action: Support Global Drug Policy Reform [25.06.2009] Call to Action World Drug Day, 26 June 2009 As the United Nations launches the 2009 World Drug Report this week, more than 40 international groups an ...
Mixed reviews for ‘community policing’ in slums [21.05.2009] The police, who used to shoot first and ask questions later in Santa Marta, a Rio de Janeiro shantytown, are now getting on well with the local commu ...
Vienna Consensus on Drug Policy Cracks [07.04.2009] A clear divide in drug control approaches became apparent at the end of the High Level Segment of the Commission on Narcotic Drugs (CND) on March 11- ...
Round Table on Alternative Development [15.03.2009] The last of the four ‘round tables’ of the high-level segment of the Commission on Narcotic Drugs was devoted to the broad issue of Countering illici ...
International Drug Policy: Animated Report 2009 [05.03.2009] Produced by an Oscar-winning studio for the Global Drug Policy Program of the Open Society Institute, International Drug Policy: Animated Report 2009 ...
Pardon for Mules in Ecuador [17.02.2009] At the end of 2008, about 1,500 persons were released who were in Ecuadorian prisons sentenced for drug trafficking. The measure, known as “pardon fo ...
Toward a Paradigm Shift [12.02.2009] Prohibitionist policies based on the eradication of production and on the disruption of drug flows as well as on the criminalization of consumption h ...
Global Fund supports Harm Reduction [09.02.2009] The Executive Director of the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria, Michel Kazatchkine, urged the president of the UN Commission on Na ...
Human Rights Council and drug policy [06.02.2009] The United Nations Special Rapporteur on torture, Professor Manfred Nowak, has called on UN member states to adopt a rights based approach to drug po ...
Harm Reduction and Human Rights [29.01.2009] IHRA’s HR2 programme released a report entitled ‘Harm Reduction and Human Rights: The Global Response to Drug-Related HIV Epidemics’. The report prov ...
The Battle for Harm Reduction [21.01.2009] The issue of harm reduction continues to be controversial during the negotiations in Vienna for the Political Declaration that has to be adopted in M ...
UN Human Rights Experts Contribute to UNGASS Review [20.01.2009] December 2008 The United Nations Special Rapporteur on torture and other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment – Professor Manfred Nowa ...
International Support for Harm Reduction [20.01.2009] A useful overview of UN endorsement of harm reduction measures; the legality of harm reduction services under the Drug Conventions; the obligation in ...
Promotion and protection of all human rights, civil, political, economic, social and cultural rights, including the right to development [14.01.2009] The Special Rapporteur on torture and other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment submits his third report to the Human Rights Council. ...
Withdrawal Symptoms in the Golden Triangle [09.01.2009] Drug control agencies have called the significant decline in opium production in Southeast Asia over the past decade a 'success story'. The latest re ...
UNGASS review reaches critical stage [03.11.2008] Transnational Institute, November 2008 The review of the objectives and action plans agreed at the 1998 UNGASS on Drugs has reached a critical stage. ...
Beyond 2008: Final Declaration and Resolutions [23.07.2008] The Beyond 2008 NGO Forum was held in Vienna, Austria from July 7-9, 2008. It was the final step in the global consultation of NGOs involved in respon ...
Beyond 2008 video [23.07.2008] Wednesday, 23 July 2008 From 7-9 July, 2008, 300 delegates met in Vienna for the Beyond 2008 NGO Forum meant to provide civil society input for the 1 ...
Beyond 2008 – a truly remarkable event [12.07.2008] Earlier this week, 7-9 July, 300 delegates met in Vienna for the Beyond 2008 NGO Forum meant to provide civil society input for the 10-year UNGASS re ...
World anti-drugs day: mixed feelings [26.06.2008] Thousands of bottles of alcohol are destroyed in Java to observe the International Day Against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking in 2007. Today, Jun ...
Humane drug policies [13.06.2008] Chinese soldiers escort drug dealers to a public sentence on International Day against Drugs in 2005. Six of them were executed. At the UN High Level ...
High Level Meeting on AIDS [11.06.2008] Wednesday 11 June 2008 The 2008 High Level Meeting on AIDS opened on June 10 at the United Nations headquarters in New York under the theme 'Uniting ...
The current state of drug policy debate [09.06.2008] Martin Jelsma, from the Transnational Institute, prepared an analysis for the Latin American Commission on Drugs and Democracy, explaining the drug p ...
Safe injection site still not safe [30.05.2008] Ignoring all the scientific evidence, Canada Health Minister Tony Clement will move to close Canada's only sanctioned safe-injection site, announcing ...
Questions for Mr. Costa [22.05.2008] During IHRA's 19th international conference this month the Hungarian Civil Liberties Union (HCLU) recorded a film which poses a series of questions t ...
Harm Reduction 2008 [12.05.2008] Monday, 12 May 2008 The International Conference on the Reduction of Drug Related Harms is taking place in Barcelona, May 11-15. UN Special Rapporteu ...
Human Rights, Health and Harm Reduction [11.05.2008] ‘Human Rights, Health and Harm Reduction: States’ Amnesia and Parallel Universes’ is the transcript of a keynote speech delivered by Professor Paul H ...
The Life of a Human Rights Resolution [22.04.2008] At the March 2008 Commission on Narcotic Drugs (CND), Uruguay tabled a resolution 'Ensuring the proper integration of the United Nations human rights ...
Missing document found [01.04.2008] Our worries about a possible censorship of Mr. Costa's Conference Room Paper "Making drug control 'fit for purpose': Building on the UNGASS decade" a ...
Commenting Mr. Costa's opening remarks [21.03.2008] The Hungarian Civil Liberties Union (HCLU) made some interesting video news items on the Commission on Narcotic Drugs. In this one leading civils soc ...
Statements at 2008 CND [17.03.2008] Several government and UN officials as well as civil society organisations made interesting statements at the 51st session of the Commission on Narco ...


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