Items tagged with st lucia and cannabis

Item title Description
GG says gov’t to introduce game-changing Cannabis Bill [16.03.2021] Governor-General Sir Emmanuel Neville Cenac has announced that the government will be proposing a Cannabis Bill to govern the industry in Saint Lucia ...
Saint Lucia Cabinet authorizes the drafting of a legislative and regulatory framework for cannabis [28.07.2020] The Saint Lucia government’s point man on cannabis, Commerce Minister Bradley Felix, has announced that authorization has been given to draft a legis ...
Saint Lucia cabinet to deliberate on cannabis commission’s proposals [15.06.2020] Over ten months since the Saint Lucia government announced the formation of a Cannabis Commission, a report has been presented to the cabinet of mini ...
De Caires has high hopes despite pace of Cannabis Commission! [17.11.2019] Andre De Caires of the Cannabis Movement of St. Lucia is not satisfied with the pace at which the recently formed Cannabis Commission is working. The ...
Marijuana Commission holds first meeting [07.09.2019] The newly formed Marijuana Commission held its first meeting to plan the way forward for activities. In a March interview, Prime Minister Allen Chast ...
Most St Lucians in favour of decriminalisation of marijuana — poll [14.10.2017] Most St Lucians are either in support of the legalisation or partial decriminalisation of marijuana according to a poll conducted by the Barbados-bas ...
Cultivating alternatives: Towards a regional cannabis model [14.06.2015] The decriminalization and regulation of cannabis has been occurring in many jurisdictions in the United States – but also closer to home and more sig ...
St Lucia Cannabis Movement commends Jamaica for passing 'Ganja Bill' [25.02.2015] Chairman of the Cannabis Movement of St Lucia, Andre De Caires, has welcomed Jamaica's decision to give the green light to the so-called Ganja Bill, ...
Making a mountain out of a molehill: myths on youth and crime in Saint Lucia [15.12.2014] Caribbean states face challenges of youth involvement in crime, violence, gangs and other anti-social activities. It is not uncommonly heard the “dru ...