Latin American leaders bring drug policy debate to the United Nations
Coletta Youngers Heather HaaseMonday, September 30, 2013
READ MORE...At the annual UN General Assembly meeting held in New York, presidents from around the world have the chance to state their views on the key international issues of the day. Not surprisingly, the crisis in Syria, Iran’s pursuit of nuclear weapons and the Millennium Development Goals took center stage this year. Yet a careful viewing of the speeches of the Latin American presidents illustrates the growing voice of Latin American leaders calling for meaningful reform of drug control policies.
Towards an International Drug Peace: A Perspective from Mexico
Jorge Hernández TinajeroSmell the Truth (US)
Friday, 13 September, 2013
READ MORE...Jorge Hernández Tinajero, president of Mexico City’s Collective for a Holistic Policy Towards Drugs (CUPIHD), shares an international perspective on the historic Senate hearings this week on marijuana law reform in this guest post.
Uruguay moves one step closer to becoming first country to legally regulate marijuana
Hannah Hetzer, Drug Policy AllianceInternational Drug Policy Connsortium IDPC (UK)
Tuesday, August 6, 2013
READ MORE...On Wednesday 31st July 2013, the Uruguayan House of Representatives approved a marijuana regulation bill, bringing it one step closer to becoming the first country in the world to legally regulate the production, distribution and sale of marijuana. President José Mujica of the Frente Amplio (Broad Front) first proposed marijuana regulation last June as part of a 15-measure package aimed at fighting crime and public insecurity.
The first forum of growers of crops declared illicit in Southeast Asia
Gloria Lai, IDPC Senior Policy Officer
READ MORE...In July 2013, the Transnational Institute (TNI) in cooperation with Paung Ku (a consortium aimed at strengthening civil society in Myanmar) held the first Southeast Asia forum of growers of crops declared illicit in Yangon, Myanmar. As a senior policy officer for the International Drug Policy Consortium (IDPC), based in Bangkok and working primarily on drug issues in Asia, I took part to find out more about the situation faced by opium growers in the region. In the movement in support of drug policies more grounded in health and human rights, a lot of attention has been (justifiably) paid to establishing harm reduction approaches for people who use drugs.
Latin American leaders chart course for drug policy debate
Coletta YoungersInternational Drug Policy Consortium (IDPC)
Wednesday, June 19, 2013This year’s annual General Assembly meeting of the Organization of American States (OAS), which brings together the hemisphere’s foreign ministers, marked a milestone in the Latin American drug policy debate. For the first time, the drug policy issue was the primary theme of a hemispheric meeting and, in a closed-door meeting of the foreign ministers, a process was laid out for continuing the discussion, culminating in a Special Session of the General Assembly to be held in 2014.
Latin American leaders chart course for drug policy debate
Deficiencies in financial oversight enable money laundering
After nearly 25 year of failed efforts, experts still ponder how to implement an anti-money laundering regime that works
Tom BlickmanWednesday, May 15, 2013
READ MORE...In July 1989, the leaders of the economic powers assembled at the G7 Paris summit decided to establish a Financial Action Task Force (FATF) to counter money laundering as an effective strategy against drug trafficking by criminal ‘cartels’. However, since the inception of the international anti-money laundering (AML) regime there is a growing awareness that the regime is not working as well as intended.
Cannabis to substitute crack
A step by step rehabilitation
Tom Blickman Amira ArmentaMonday, April 22, 2013
READ MORE...The mayor of Bogota has recently proposed a pilot scheme with crack cocaine addicts to explore the substitution of crack made of cocaine base paste (or bazuco as it is called in Colombia) by marijuana. The substitution treatment plan will include 15 problematic users from the marginalized Bronx area who are already receiving health assistance of the CAMAD operating in that sector of the city. The treatment will last approximately eight months, after which the results will be evaluated.
Drug policy must return to focus on public health, SPP panelists say
School of Public Policy (Central European University)
Budapest, April 11, 2013
READ MORE...Global drug policy must move away from stigmatizing and criminalizing users and focus on the public health issues at stake, panelists concluded at the third drug policy debate hosted by CEU’s School of Public Policy and the Open Society Foundations’ Global Drug Policy Program on April 11. Panelists expressed hope that the current momentum in this direction will result in significant changes at the United Nations drug policy summit slated for 2016.
Addicted to punishment
Penalties in the war on drugs more severe than for murder and rape
Rodrigo UprimnyTuesday, April 9, 2013
READ MORE...Over the past several decades, Latin America has seen penalties for drug crimes—even low-level selling—skyrocket. And in many Latin American countries, non-violent drug offenses receive significantly longer sentences than many violent crimes, such as homicide and rape. A new study of criminal legislation explores this phenomenon in seven Latin American countries (Brazil, Ecuador, Peru, Mexico, Colombia, Bolivia, and Argentina).
The present continuous of cannabis clubs in Catalonia
The complexity of the issue and the lack of specific regulations mean that cases unprotected by the law still keep appearing
Sustainable Drug Policies CommissionSaturday, 30 March, 2013
READ MORE...The exponential proliferation of the number of associations, clubs and other groups that distribute cannabis among their members and create new spaces for socialising, has surprised even the most optimistic advocates of more reasonable drug policies. In a short time, and in spite of those in government, civil society has provided a response to a problem that realpolitik has been unable to tackle.
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Drugs in the News
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11.01.2024 - Minister signs bill banning recreational use of weed
08.01.2024 - As the mayor of Amsterdam, I can see the Netherlands risks becoming a narco-state
05.01.2024 - Barcelona city council threatens to shut down cannabis social clubs
04.01.2024 - Swiss capital Bern considers legal cocaine project
20.12.2023 - High time: after five years, Dutch start legal cannabis trial
More weblogHilites
Balancing Treaty Stability and ChangeInter se modification of the UN drug control conventions to facilitate cannabis regulation
Connecting the dots...Human rights, illicit cultivation and alternative development
Morocco and Cannabis
The Rise and Decline of Cannabis ProhibitionThe History of Cannabis in the UN Drug Control System and Options For Reform
10-year Review 20 1998 UNGASS 26 2005 CND debate 8 2016 UNGASS 126 2019 HLM 5 activism 38 afghanistan 25 show allTags
10-year Review 20 1998 UNGASS 26 2005 CND debate 8 2016 UNGASS 126 2019 HLM 5 activism 38 afghanistan 25 hideafrica 14 albania 14 alternative development 120 alternatives to policing 2 amnesty 89 amphetamine 1 amsterdam 30 appellation of origin 3 argentina 32 asean 9 ATS 15 australia 109 austria 5 ayahuasca 6 bahamas 4 ballot 2012 155 banking 52 barbados 11 belgium 46 belize 10 bermuda 15 bhang 15 bolivia 118 brazil 95 brownfield doctrine 24 burma 45 california 216 cambodia 12 canada 543 cannabinoids 107 cannabis 3255 cannabis clubs 230 cannabis industry 417 caribbean 148 caricom 33 cbd oil 1 central america 5 chile 21 china 46 civil society 37 CND 131 coca 220 cocaine 95 coffee shop 230 cognitive decline 30 colombia 160 colorado 163 compulsary detention 19 conflict 4 conventions 277 corporate capture 59 corruption 5 costa rica 10 crack 55 craft cannabis 31 crime 92 czech republic 54 dark net 4 death penalty 3 decertification 1 decriminalization 935 deforestation 11 denmark 132 drug checking 41 drug consumption rooms 193 drug courts 22 drug markets 147 drug policy index 2 drug testing 7 drug trade 60 e-cigarettes 1 e-joint 2 ecstasy 70 ecuador 22 egypt 16 el salvador 2 environment 38 eradication 129 essential medicines 25 estonia 2 eswatini 7 ethiopia 3 european drug policy 119 expert advisory group 9 extrajudicial killings 95 fair trade 16 fentanyl 84 france 119 fumigation 27 gateway theory 29 georgia 3 germany 217 ghana 18 global commission 46 greece 19 guatemala 32 guatemala initiative 47 harm reduction 348 hemp 44 heroin 139 heroin assisted treatment 80 HIV/AIDS 61 home cultivation 124 honduras 4 human rights 259 ICC 1 illinois 10 incarceration 53 INCB 143 india 102 indigenous rights 1 indonesia 35 informal drug policy dialogues 22 inter se modification 17 iran 14 ireland 16 israel 63 italy 42 jamaica 176 japan 3 kava 4 kazakhstan 5 kenya 11 ketamine 27 khat 37 kratom 33 kyrgyzstan 1 laos 2 latin american debate 115 law enforcement 432 lebanon 43 legal highs 64 legalization 1709 lesotho 10 local customization 11 luxembourg 60 malawi 4 malaysia 7 malta 58 medical cannabis 665 mental health 45 methamphetamine 49 mexico 211 Mid-Term Review 1 mild stimulants 46 money laundering 55 morocco 128 naloxone 16 nepal 7 netherlands 341 new york 34 new zealand 67 NIDA 5 nigeria 1 nitrous oxide 9 norway 18 NPS 10 opinion polls 132 opioids 153 opium 94 oregon 29 overdose kits 4 pakistan 9 panama 5 paraguay 4 pardon 2 patents 18 peace 24 peru 45 peyote 3 philippines 89 pilot project 137 pleasure 5 poland 2 police pacification 18 portugal 68 potency 2 precursors 7 prevention 3 prison situation 101 prohibition 158 proportionality 110 psychedelics 13 psychosis 57 puerto rico 3 racism 29 reclassification 119 recriminalisation 42 regulation 1454 russia 36 sacramental use 11 safe supply 36 safer crack 29 scheduling 29 scientific research 145 sdg 2 security 14 senegal 1 sentencing 67 singapore 7 social justice 83 somalia 7 south africa 83 spain 81 st lucia 9 st vincent and grenadines 31 substance-use disorder 20 substitution treatment 31 sweden 31 switzerland 162 synthetic cannabinoids 31 taxation 58 teen use 43 thailand 78 thresholds 64 tobacco industry 17 traditional growers 162 tramadol 17 treatment 29 trinidad & tobago 15 tunisia 14 UK 282 UN Common Position 1 UN drug control 444 UNGASS 58 UNODC 111 uruguay 146 US drug policy 1192 vaping 2 venezuela 5 vietnam 5 violence 134 WHO 66 world drug report 11 yemen 6