Artículos etiquetados con metanfetamina

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Methamphetamine use in Myanmar, Thailand, and Southern China: assessing practices, reducing harms [15.02.2019] Over the past decade, methamphetamine use has grown more popular in Myanmar, Thailand and Southern China. Based on in-depth interviews conducted with ...
Balance de una década de políticas de drogas [22.10.2018] “Balance de una década de políticas de drogas - Informe sombra de la sociedad civil” evalúa las repercusiones de las políticas de drogas aplicadas en ...
Randomized controlled trial of dexamphetamine maintenance for the treatment of methamphetamine dependence [31.05.2009] This study tested the impact of a long-acting form of amphetamine as medication to help control dependent use of the closely allied stimulant, metham ...
