D.A. Chesa Boudin joins critics of Breed’s Tenderloin crackdown to protest plan
“Right now in San Francisco it’s easier to get high than it is to get help. That has to change”
Monday, December 20, 2021
District Attorney Chesa Boudin joined other elected officials and activists to criticize Mayor London Breed’s plan to flood San Francisco’s Tenderloin neighborhood with police and crack down on drug dealers as well as people who use drugs in the open. Boudin, Board of Supervisors President Shamann Walton and Public Defender Mano Raju said at a news conference that the plan was flawed because it relied on failed policies to deal with problems. Those who provide addiction treatment or harm-reduction services called for the mayor to quickly ramp up “evidence-based” alternatives, including treatment, housing, education and jobs. (See also: Breed’s emergency plan for the Tenderloin draws backlash | Advocacy orgs denounce Mayor Breed’s call for an emergency order)