Study examines if CBD buffers THC’s effects
Little evidence shows that CBD can reduce adverse effects of cannabis and THC
Wednesday, November 16, 2022
A study published in Neuropsychology attempted to determine if CBD reduces the adverse effects of THC, such as paranoia and memory loss, but found little evidence to support this theory. Study participants were observed and both pleasurable effects as well as adverse effects like paranoia and memory recall were recorded. The study, called “Does cannabidiol make cannabis safer? A randomised, double-blind, cross-over trial of cannabis with four different CBD:THC ratios” aimed to determine if increasing the amount of CBD can reduce the “harmful effects” of cannabis—notably from THC. The study also suggests that people who report better effects from CBD:THC products say so because they consume less THC rather than any buffering effects from CBD. (See also: Cannabis not made safer by increasing its CBD content)